Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Fold a Penultimate Module


Modular origami is so related to geometry, it could easily be used for a math fair project. This simple unit can create many, many polyhedrons (multiple sided objects, a cube being one example). This unit is one of those amazing units. It's a surprisingly easy module to make. However, you may need many pieces to create something truly extraordinary. Just a little patience is all it takes!

1.Place a square piece of paper with the color side down.

2.Fold it in half.

3.Unfold; there should now be a crease down the middle.

4.Fold the edges parallel to this crease into the center.

5.Valley-crease the middle fold so the flaps are on the outside. Your paper is now divided into fourths.

6.Fold the bottom-left corner up so it meets the top edge.

7.Turn the paper 180 degrees and repeat.

8.Fold from the bottom-left corner to the upper-right corner.

9.Unfold and now you have your unit!


1.Notice how the edges of the module are "open" like "pockets."

2.Insert one of the triangular flaps into that pocket. It doesn't matter how many layers there are, just make sure it fits.

3.Make sure that the two creases outlined in green match up. It should create a locking effect.

4.Make a triangle by inserting another triangle into the pocket of the second one and let the flap of the first one go into the third one.

The first module.

The other module.

Complete triangle.

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